The vascular and inflammatory components of facial rosacea are often hard to treat. Topical treatments often don’t reach deep enough and oral treatments only target one or two dysfunctions. Thus, we incorporated Maqui Berry Superfruit into Rosadyn+ to target the drivers of facial rosacea symptoms and progression: (1) Vascular dysfunction and damage, (2) Chronic inflammation in and around facial skin cells and (3) Inhibiting the activity of multiple pro-inflammatory enzymes that drive the vicious inflammatory cycle and progression of the disorder. Maqui Berry is ideally made to treat rosacea because it is the single best anti-inflammatory available, it has the highest antioxidant value of any molecule, it helps protect and repair broken rosacea blood vessels, and it turns off key inflammatory enzymes. This is all done by Maqui Berry’s three main — and very unique — active ingredients: Delphinols, Anthocyanidins and Polyphenols.
Facial Rosacea
Rosacea researchers have demonstrated that three disturbances are key to rosacea symptoms, triggers and progression:
- Vascular hyper-reactivity and micro-vascular damage
- Chronic inflammation in and around facial skin cells that goes unchecked. Most specialists agree that this inflammation is triggered by overproduction of free radicals
- Activation of pro-inflammatory enzymes that affect all aspects of rosacea
Maqui Berry Extract Contains Powerful Blood Vessel Repair Molecules
Maqui Berry contains a substance called anthocyanidins. Anthocyandins have multiple actions on hyper-reactive blood vessels and broken blood vessels:
- Anthocyanidins are one of nature’s most potent blood vessel healers. They repair weak, fragile and damaged rosacea blood vessels by activating key repair enzymes within the blood vessel walls.
- Anthocyanidins incorporate themselves into the blood vessel wall to physically strengthen the blood vessel and greatly reduce vascular hyper-reactivity such as flushing frequently, blushing and remaining in the dilated state for an abnormal length of time.
- In many cases, anthocyanidins can repair broken blood vessels — telangiectatic vessels — but, if they can’t, they will signal immune cells to migrate to these vessels, break them down and remove them from rosacea-affected skin. This is a tremendous benefit as telangiectatic vessels rarely dissipate spontaneously.
- Anthocyanidins also reduce uncontrolled overgrowth of blood vessels (angiogenesis) which is central to the entire disease process.
Maqui Berry Extract Contains Potent Anti-Inflammatory for Rosacea Treatment
The unique combination of flavonoids and polyphenols in Maqui Berry make this extract quite unique and extremely potent. Due to the combination of unique molecules, Maqui Berry is the single best free radical scavenger (antioxidant) yet discovered. This is important because free radical inflammation and damage are central to rosacea symptoms. They must be quenched for rosacea sufferers to truly break the inflammatory cycle of rosacea. It is also important that Maqui Berry scavenges dozens of different free radicals… which is also unique to this superfruit. Most compounds only scavenge a few free radicals and let the rest continue to promote inflammation. Lastly, Maqui berry is in a class of its own because it scavenges these dangerous free radicals outside of skin cells and inside the cells walls — tackling water-soluble free radicals and fat-soluble free radicals.
Electron Micro-Photograph of Free Radicals Attacking Skin Cells
Maqui Berry Extract Contains Molecules that Turn Off Inflammatory Enzymes
Skin cells, interstitial fluid between skin cells, blood vessels, and nerve endings all contain powerful pro-inflammatory enzymes. In facial skin, under normal circumstances, these enzymes are mostly turned off. Their primary objective is to create inflammatory molecules to fight off infection, viruses, bacteria and other “foreign” invaders. However, chronic rosacea inflammation turns all these dangerous enzymes on because the enzymes incorrectly believe there is an attack raging in rosacea-affected skin. Maqui Berry benefits:
- Maqui berry reduces chronic inflammation caused by free radicals, and this, in turn, reduces the activity of some inflammatory enzymes.
- Delphinols in Maqui Berry are truly unique compounds and can only be found in Maqui Berry extracts. These Delphinols physically bind to enzymes and turn them off.
- Delphinols prevent more enzymes from being developed by inhibiting the genetic formation of new enzymes
- Delphinols not only turn off inflammatory enzymes, but they simultaneously activate anti-inflammatory enzymes in skin cells, blood vessels and nerve endings
- Delphinols also have strong anti-inflammatory actions independent of enzyme activity — they work synergistically with the flavonoid free radical scavengers and the anthocyanidin vascular anti-inflammatories. This synergism among active molecules is rarely seen in nature, but makes Maqui Berry Extract one of the most potent rosacea fighters in Rosadyn’s arsenal.
You will find hundreds of brands of Maqui Berry Extract in the marketplace. Please understand that many of these extracts are worthless because they were extracted with high heat, alcohol and strong solvents — all of these denature and inactivate the key compounds in this superfruit. Other brands are not standardized and do not mention the percentage of Delphinols, Anthocyanidins, Polyflavanols and Flavanoids contained in each capsule. Be very careful when researching the different brands of Maqui Berry Superfuit — it could make all the difference in the world — and your face will thank you!. You know the quality that you get with Rosadyn+. It’s always pharmaceutical grade, clinically tested extracts that are removed without the use of high heat, alcohols or dangerous solvents.
The vascular and inflammatory components of facial rosacea are often hard to treat. Topical treatments don’t reach deep enough and oral treatments only target one or two dysfunctions. Thus, we incorporated Maqui Berry Superfruit into Rosadyn+ a natural rosacea treatment to target the primary causes of facial rosacea: (1) Vascular dysfunction and damage (2) Chronic inflammation in and around facial skin cells and (3) Inhibiting the activity of multiple pro-inflammatory enzymes that drive the vicious inflammatory cycle and progression of the rosacea. Maqui Berry is ideally made to treat rosacea because it is the single best anti-inflammatory available, it has the highest antioxidant value of any molecule, it protects and repairs broken rosacea blood vessels, and it turns off key inflammatory enzymes. This is all done by Maqui Berry’s three main — and very unique — active ingredients: Delphinols, Anthocyanidins and Polyphenols